21 Jul, 2024

Jagoba Arrasate’s Osasuna: Marrying Tactics with Cultural Identity

21 Jul, 2024

Neel Shelat investigates how Jagoba Arrasate achieved results above expectations with Osasuna using a direct style of football

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16 Jul, 2024

Redesigning the Palace

16 Jul, 2024

Mohamed Mohamed returns with a long read on Crystal Palace, how they played in 2023/24, and what they might look to do in the transfer market

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18 Jun, 2024

Long throw-ins: scouting to find marginal gains

18 Jun, 2024

Long throws are a powerful attacking weapon in football and the TransferLab box throw-in metric helps find players who can add this marginal gain

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14 Jun, 2024

Tactical trends and stylistic diversity across Europe’s top five leagues

14 Jun, 2024

Analytics FC Head of Content Alex Stewart revisists the concept of team styles across the biggest five leagues in Europe and analyses some fascinating changes

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24 May, 2024

Tactical Analysis: The Rise of Centre Backs Rotating Into Midfield In Possession

24 May, 2024

eel Shelat analyses a tactical trend that is in effect across elite-level football, the rotation of central defenders into the midfield line

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11 May, 2024

How do you assess the value of an Academy?

11 May, 2024

Casey Evans investigates how defining and analysing the difference between internal and external return on investment can lead to valuable insights about how to measure and value football academies

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22 Apr, 2024

Stade Brestois: Ligue 1’s quiet overachievers

22 Apr, 2024

Neel Shelat assesses how a small team from France is exemplifying the European trend of overachievement this season

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18 Apr, 2024

Winning the centre – football’s most important battle

18 Apr, 2024

Dharnish Iqbal takes a look at how what teams can and cannot do in the middle of the pitch is a strong indicator of the effectiveness of an overall tactical approach and the ability to solve problems

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16 Apr, 2024

When Teams Have Nothing To Play For

16 Apr, 2024

Jason McKenna analyses how a strange end-of-season phenomenon affects the output of teams with 'nothing to play for'

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10 Apr, 2024

Success on Multiple Fronts: FC København’s Rest Attack

10 Apr, 2024

Neel Shelat analyses Danish team FC København and how their aggressive positioning has helped them balance domestic and continental demands

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