Claudia Pina: Barcelona’s Next Wonderkid?

Abdullah Abdullah looks at the next exciting talent to come off the production line at Barcelona. Over the last 18 months, Barcelona’s attacking exploits have been much talked about. The big names—Jenni Hermoso, Alexia Putellas, and Caroline Graham Hansen—garner much of the attention, but Barcelona continue to boast a...

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Transfer Gurus: Manchester City’s Txiki Begiristain

Josh Hobbs continues his analysis of the game’s greatest Transfer Gurus. We kicked off the Transfer Gurus series by looking at the work of Michael Edwards in transforming Liverpool into one of the best teams in world football. Although the series will not be focused entirely on the Premier...

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20 Apr, 2022

Brexitball: The Women’s Game

20 Apr, 2022

Andy Watson takes a look at how the GBE regulations impact on the women’s game. All too often when legislation is enacted which affects sport, the focus is only on the perceived impact on the men’s game. But the imposition by the Home Office and English Football Association of...

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Transfer Gurus: Liverpool’s Michael Edwards

Josh Hobbs kicks off a series about the ‘Transfer Gurus’ who have improved their clubs through smart business. After a decade at the club in various roles, Michael Edwards will step down from his role as Sporting Director at Liverpool at the end of this season. Edwards has been...

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06 Apr, 2022

Brexitball: What About the Coaching Staff?

06 Apr, 2022

Andy Watson delves into the GBE regulations for non-playing staff in a post-Brexit landscape. It’s that time of year when football clubs might be feeling a little nervous about their head coaches. Either expectations have been dashed and a re-think is required, your manager’s contract is up for renewal...

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04 Apr, 2022

Is “Culture” a Decisive Factor in Head Coach Sackings?

04 Apr, 2022

Jeremy Steele investigates the impact of national cultures on head coaches’ careers. Last week, in the course of working on some analysis for one of our Coach ID clients, we delved into some data gathered by CIES Football Observatory regarding the average length of head coaches’ stay at football...

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